
RRMA Partners

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, with over 9000 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 294 national and regional sectoral industry bodies. 

Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council popularly known as CHEMEXCIL is set up by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India in the year 1963 with the objective of promoting exports of the following items from India to various countries abroad.

The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India Logo

The Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India (DMAI), established in 1950, is the Apex Body representing Dyestuffs, Pigments, Optical Brighteners and Dyes Intermediates Manufacturers from all over the country, covering all sectors of the Colorants Industry – small scale units to multinationals; a fact well recognized by the Government authorities.

RRMA Members

Global Product Compliance (GPC) specializes in Global Regulatory Compliance Solutions across sectors globally. SSS Europe, a familiar name in chemical regulatory and compliance services now formally belongs under the umbrella of GPC Holding Sweden.

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