India consults for 3,4-dichlorophenyl isocyanate

Till the 16th of March 2022, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) consults on the draft Indian Standard (IS) for 3,4-dichlorophenyl isocyanate. BIS published a daft in February, describing the substance as an organic compound (formula: C7H3CI2NO) used as an intermediate in organic synthesis.
This compound is irritant to many tissues which include the eyes and mucous membranes. Also, inhaling the chemical dust can result in respiratory harm. The draft includes requirements, methods of sampling and testing for the chemical. In addition to that, one has to adhere to the provisions in the following standards:
IS No. | Title |
5299: 2001 | methods of sampling and tests for dye intermediates (first revision) |
5762: 1970 | methods for determining melting points and ranges |
The other proposals in the draft include the following:
- For packing, the substance should be kept in suitable drums, tankers, ISO containers, etc. depending on the agreement between the purchaser and supplier.
- For marking, the container should bear the name of the material, name of the manufacturer and his/her recognized trademark, month and year of manufacture, lot/batch number, net weight & gross weight, label (acute toxic, irritant, & health hazard), and any other statutory requirement.
It is important to note that if the draft is approved, it will be an additional substance that requires BIS certifications. Currently, there are 52 chemical substances under compulsory BIS certification, this includes the marking on the product’s packaging.