India extends enforcement dates of Quality Control Orders for Morpholine and 3 other chemicals

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India’s Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals (DCPC) has extended the enforcement dates of Quality Control Orders (QCOs) for morpholine and 3 other chemicals. The notifications were published in the Official Gazette of India on 1 August 2024 and 5 August 2024 respectively. The QCO for morpholine was originally published on 16 June 2020, while the QCO for acetic acid, methanol and aniline was published on 5 August 2019. 

The old and extended enforcement dates for morpholine and the other 3 chemicals are as follows: 

Chemical Indian Standard Old Enforcement Date Extended Enforcement Date 
Morpholine IS 12084:2018 1 August 2024 1 November 2024 
Acetic acid IS 695:1986 3 August 2024 3 August 2025 
Methanol IS 517:1986 3 August 2024 3 August 2025 
Aniline IS 2833:2019 3 August 2024 3 August 2025 

The chemicals listed in the above table shall comply with the applicable Indian Standard stated in accordance with Scheme-I of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018, and bear the Standard Mark under licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards. 

We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC).


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