India Notifies Rubber Flooring Quality Control Order to WTO

On 13 october 2023, the Indian Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the Quality Control Order (QCO) for rubber flooring materials. The final day for comments is 60 days from the date of notification.
Rubber Flooring Materials Order
Rubber floorings are used for a variety of purposes.
• Rubber flooring materials are suitable for covering the floors of residential and public buildings, cinemas, hospitals, large stores, ships, and transport vehicles, among others.
• Rubber flooring is one of the most popular types of floorings.
• Rubber flooring is used in a variety of industries, including commercial, industrial, and sporting events.
• Rubber flooring tiles provide good traction, are slip resistance, and are fire resistance.
The purpose of this regulation is to prevent deceptive practices and to protect consumers, human health or safety, the environment and to ensure quality requirements.
The QCO will enter into force 6 months after the date of publication in the Official Gazette.