India releases QCO amendment for orthophosphoric acid

On 13 April 2024, the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC) of India published the Ortho Phosphoric Acid (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2024.
Background to the Amendment
The Ortho Phosphoric Acid (Quality Control) Order, 2021 was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), vide number S.O. 2335(E), dated 15 June 2021 and subsequently amended vide notification numbers S.O. 4914(E), dated 29 November 2021 and S.O. 2225(E), dated 13 May 2022.
Key Provision of the Amendment
The following provision shall be inserted after the table in the Ortho Phosphoric Acid (Quality Control) Order, 2021: “Provided that, nothing in this Order shall apply to the Ortho Phosphoric Acid when used as a raw material in the production of fertilizers for a period of ninety days from the date of publication of this notification.”
Application and Enforcement
The QCO applies to export chemicals and requires them to conform to IS 798: 2020 Orthophosphoric Acid — Specification and bear the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) Mark under the licence of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Violations will result in penalties under the BIS Act, 2016.
The published draft came into force on 13 April 2024.
We acknowledge that the above information has been compiled from Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC) of India.