
Notification Fees:

Tonnage band of Substance MSME Large
1 – 10 TPA 10,000 ₹ 25,000 ₹
10 – 100 TPA​ 30,000 ₹ 75,000 ₹
100 – 1000 TPA​ 80,000 ₹ 200,000 ₹
> 1000 TPA​ 250,000 ₹ 600,000 ₹

Table: Notification Fee under CMSR

Registration Fees:

Tonnage band of Substance MSME Large
1 – 10 TPA ​ 15,000 ₹ ​ 37,000 ₹
10 – 100 TPA​ 45,000 ₹ ​ 112,000 ₹
100 – 1000 TPA​ 120,000 ₹ 300,000 ₹
> 1000 TPA​ 375,000 ₹ 900,000 ₹

Other Fees:

Category MSME Large
Request for Confidentiality 5,000 ₹ 100,000 ₹
Filing an appeal 10,000 ₹ 100,000 ₹
Request for authorization for use of a Restricted Substance 1,000,000 ₹ 1,000,000 ₹

Fees for updating Tonnage band in Notification:

Current tonnage To be Updated tonnage MSME Large
1-10 TPA 10-100 TPA 20,000 ₹ 50,000 ₹
100-1000 TPA 70,000 ₹ 175,000 ₹
Above 1000 TPA 240,000 ₹ 575,000 ₹
10-100 TPA 100-1000 TPA 50,000 ₹ 125,000 ₹
Above 1000 TPA 220,000 ₹ 525,000 ₹
100-1000 TPA Above 1000 TPA 170,000 ₹ 400,000 ₹

Joint Registration fees per Registrant:

Category MSME Large
1-10 TPA 10,000 ₹ 25,000 ₹
10-100 TPA 30,000 ₹ 75,000 ₹
100-1000 TPA 80,000 ₹ 200,000 ₹
Above 1000 TPA 250,000 ₹ 600,000 ₹


Any contravention of these Rules, including specifically:

(a) Failure to Notify or Register a Substance or Intermediate within the stipulated time periods;

(b) Furnishing of false information at the time of Notification or Registration;

(c) Procuring Substances, Mixtures, Intermediates or Articles by Downstream Users which have not been Notified or Registered; or

(d) Labelling or packaging the Priority Substances in contravention to these Rules,

shall be subject to fines as set out in Schedule XIX for each day.

Tonnage band of Substance Fine to be imposed for each day
1 – 1000 TPA 25,000 ₹ (~350 $)​
Above 1000 TPA​ 50,000 ₹ (~700 $)​
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